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已在Journal of Cleaner ProductionSoil & Tillage ResearchField Crops ResearchPlant Physiology and BiochemistrySCI和国内一级刊物发表论文110余篇,其中SCI收录30余篇、EI收录6篇。副主编普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材《农业可持续发展理论与实践》、《中国农作制度研究进展20102部,参编《中国粮食生产能力提升及战略储备》(获第五届国家中华优秀图书奖)、《中国农作制发展优先序研究》等专著2部。获省专利奖二等奖“一种新型可控生物降解农用地膜(第1位)”、省科技进步奖一等奖“新型功能性农用塑料棚膜及地膜研发与产业化应用(第2位)”、神农中华农业科技奖一等奖“多熟农作制丰产增效关键技术与集成应用(第4位)”、省科技进步奖二等奖“黄淮海区域种养业废弃物循环利用关键技术与应用(第2位)”,其他省部级科研奖励3项,授权国家发明专利21项,制定山东省地方标准7项。







1. 粮饲作物绿色高效生产模式构建与示范,山东省农业科技资金(园区产业提升工程)项目2019YQ014,省科技厅,200万元,2019.8-2022.8,主持

2. 新型绿色农业投入品研发与示范,山东省重大科技创新工程2020CXGC010803-09,省科技厅,52.5万元,2020.12-2023.12,主持

3. 中低产田改良与产能提升关键技术研究,山东省重大科技创新工程2021CXGC010804-05-01,省科技厅,33.06/1102万元,2022.1-2024.12,主持

4. 大田作物全生物降解地膜功能验证与示范,山东省重大科技创新工程2021CXGC010810-03,省科技厅,56万元,2022.1-2024.12,主持

5. 多功能可回收地膜高效应用与回收再利用,中央引导地方科技发展资金YDZX2022102-01,省科技厅,40万元,主2022.10-2024.10,持

6. 盐碱地渔农融合高效利用关键技术创新及示范,山东省重点研发计划(乡村振兴科技创新提振行动计划)2022TZXD0038,省科技厅,490万元,2022.01-2025.12,主持

7. 新型农作制模式、耕作方式与肥水调控综合培肥技术研究与集成,公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目201503121-05,农业部,146万元,2015.01-2019.12,主持

8. 黄河三角洲盐碱地绿色改造和新型农业产业模式研究与示范,山东省重点研发计划2016CYJS05A02,省科技厅,250万元,2016.01-2018.12,技术负责人

9. 麦玉两熟周年节水高效耕作制度构建与示范,山东省2017年度农业重大应用技术创新项目,省农业厅,50万元,2017.01-2019.12,主持

10. 盐碱地生物高效生态共生模式构建与示范,山东省重大科技创新工程2017CXGC0308,省科技厅,400万元,2017.01-2019.12,主持

11. 夏玉米农田生态系统土壤呼吸碳源效应对植株固碳的补偿机制31471453,国家自然科学基金面上项目,86万元,2015.01-2018.12,第2


1. Tangyuan Ning, Zhen Liu, Hengyu Hu, Geng Li, Yakov Kuzyakov. Physical, chemical and biological subsoiling for sustainable agriculture. Soil & Tillage Research 223 (2022) 105490. 10.1016/j.still.2022.105490 (SCI, IF=6.3681)

2. Hongxiang Zhao, Jihao Qin, Tianping Gao, Mengkun Zhang, Hongchang Sun, Shuwei Zhu, Cailong Xu*, Tangyuan Ning*. Immediate and long-term effects of tillage practices with crop residue on soil water and organic carbon storage changes under a wheat-maize cropping system. Soil & Tillage Research 218 (2022) 105309 (SCI, IF=6.3681)

3. Hongxiang Zhao, Li Wu, Shuwei Zhu, Hongchang Sun, Cailong Xu, Jindong Fu*, Tangyuan Ning*. Sensitivities of physical and chemical attributes of soil quality to different tillage management. Agronomy 2022, 12, 1153. (SCI, IF=3.6402)

4. Zhen Liu, Ning Wang, Jinling Lü, Lan Wang, Geng Li, Tangyuan Ning*. Climate-smart tillage practices with straw return to sustain crop productivity. Agronomy 2022, 12, 2452. (SCI, IF=3.6402)

5. ZHAO W. † , ZHENG B. †, REN T.H., ZHANG X.H., NING T.Y.+, LI G.+. Phosphate fertilizers increase CO2 assimilation and yield of soybean in a shaded environment. PHOTOSYNTHETICA 60 (2): 1-11, 2022 (SCI, IF=3.3803)

6. Shuwei Zhu, Tianping Gao, Zhen Liu, Tangyuan Ning*. Rotary and subsoiling tillage rotations influence soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration and crop yield. Plant Soil Environ., 2022, 68. (SCI, IF=2.1693)

7. Geng Li, Bin Zheng, Wei Zhao, Tinghu Ren, Xinghui Zhang, Tangyuan Ning*, Peng Liu. Global analysis of lysine acetylation in soybean leaves. Scientific Reports, (2021) 11:17858, (SCI, IF=5.1333)

8. Heng-Yu Hu, Hong Li, Min-Min Hao, Ya-Nan Ren, Meng-Kun Zhang, Ru-Yue Liu, Yin Zhang, Geng Li, Jian-Sheng Chen, Tang-Yuan Ning, Yakov Kuzyakov. Nitrogen fixation and crop productivity enhancements co-driven by intercrop root exudates and key rhizosphere bacteria. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2021, 58, 2243–2255. 10.1111/1365-2664.13964  (SCI, IF=7.2661)

9. Hengyu Hu, Mengkun Zhang, Yin Zhang, Min Fu, Jiansheng Chen, Geng Li, Mingzhen Zhai, Xiuyun Ming, Tangyuan Ning. Emergetic and cosmic exergy-based ecological assessments of long-term raised field eco-farming systems in saline–alkaline lands. Ecological Indicators 2021, 125, 107531 (SCI, IF=5.8462)

10. Hengyu Hu, Mengkun Zhang, Min Fu, Jihao Qin, Jiansheng Chen, Yupeng Feng, Geng Li, Mingzhen Zhai, Yin Zhang, Tangyuan Ning. Water sources effects on soil salinity and biomass production of agriculture and agroforest systems in raised fields. Journal of Plant Interactions, 2020, 15:1, 303-312, DOI: 10.1080/17429145.2020.1818857 (SCI, IF=2.9543)

11. Zhen Liu, Tianping Gao, Shenzhong Tian, Hengyu Hu, Geng Li, Tangyuan Ning. Soil organic carbon increment sources and crop yields under long-term conservation tillage practices in wheat-maize systems. Land Degradation & Development. 2020, 31: 1138–1150. (SCI, IF=5.2911)

12. Zhen Liu, Feng-yun Ma, Tong-xi Hu, Kai-guang Zhao, Tian-ping Gao, Hong-xiang Zhao, Tang-yuan Ning*. Using stable isotopes to quantify water uptake from different soil layers and water use efficiency of wheat under long-term tillage and straw return practices. Agricultural Water Management 2020, 229: 105933. (SCI, IF=5.1201)

13. Zhen Liu, Kai Sun, Wentao Liu, Tianping Gao, Geng Li, Huifang Han, Zengjia Li, Tangyuan Ning. Responses of soil carbon, nitrogen, and wheat and maize productivity to 10 years of decreased nitrogen fertilizer under contrasting tillage systems. Soil & Tillage Research. 2020, 196104444. (SCI, IF=6.3681)

14. Zhen Liu, Wen-tao Liu, Hai-tao Liu, Tian-ping Gao, Hong-xiang Zhao, Geng Li, Hui-fang Han, Zeng-jia Li, Rattan Lal, Tang-yuan Ning. Capture of soil respiration for higher photosynthesis with lower CO2 emission. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 246: 119029 (SCI, IF=9.4441)

15. Zhen Liu, Tianping Gao, Wentao Liu, Kai Sun, Yanni Xin, Hongjian Liu, Shengzhao Wang, Geng Li, Huifang Han, Zengjia Li, and Tangyuan Ning*. Effects of part and whole straw returning on soil carbon sequestration in C3–C4 rotation cropland. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2019, 182, 429–440 DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201800573. (SCI, IF=2.1632)

16. Zhen LIU, Kai SUN, Bin ZHENG, Qingling DONG, Geng LI, Huifang HAN, Zengjia LI, Tangyuan NING (通讯). Impacts of straw, biogas slurry, manure and mineral fertilizer applications on several biochemical properties and crop yield in a wheat-maize cropping system. Plant Soil Environ. 2019, 65 (1): 1-8. doi: 10.17221/467/2018-PSE (SCI, IF=1.2263区,2018-1.421)

17. Minmin Hao, Hengyu Hu⁎⁎, Zhen Liu, Qingling Dong, Kai Sun, Yupeng Feng, Geng Li, Tangyuan Ning⁎. Shifts in microbial community and carbon sequestration in farmland soil under long-term conservation tillage and straw returning. Applied Soil Ecology, 136 (2019): 43–54. 10.1016/j.apsoil.2018.12.016 (SCI, IF=4.8842)

18. Tao Sun, Geng Li, Tang-Yuan Ning⁎, Zhi-Meng Zhang⁎, Qing-Hua Mi, Rattan Lal. Suitability of mulching with biodegradable film to moderate soil temperature and moisture and to increase photosynthesis and yield in peanut. Agricultural Water Management 208 (2018) 214–223. (SCI, IF=3.1821)

19. 刘文涛,安振,张梦坤,朱树伟,李耕,高天平,刘振,宁堂原. 喷灌条件下耕作方式对土壤水分均匀性与冬小麦水分利用效率的影响. 水土保持学报,20203282-290

20. 伟,甄天悦,张子山,徐铮,高大鹏,丁聪,刘鹏,李耕,宁堂原.增施磷肥提高弱光环境中夏大豆叶片光合能力及产量. 作物学报,2020, 46(2): 249-258

21. 赵伟,徐铮,高大鹏,安振,高辉远,张子山,宁堂原,李耕.定向种植对夏玉米群体内光环境及叶片光合性能的影响. 应用生态学报,2019308):2707-2716

22. 孙凯,刘振,胡恒宇,李耕,刘文涛,杨柳,宁堂原(通讯),王彦玲. 有机培肥与轮耕方式对夏玉米田土壤碳氮和产量的影响. 作物学报,201945(3): 401-410

23. 孟艳,孙晓涵,郑宾,王良,李增嘉,李耕,宁堂原(通讯). 有机物沟埋还田与花后灌水量对玉米光合特性和产量的影响. 应用生态学报,201829(8)2541-2550





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