1. 黄淮海夏玉米产量与资源利用效率差异形成机制与分差增效途径,国家重点研发计划项目课题2016YFD0300106,2016-2020,1050万元。
2. 鲁西南玉米大豆复合种植丰产增效技术集成与示范,国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2021-2025,180万元。
3. 夏玉米氮磷减量深施对根系构型与生理功能的调控及其增产增效机制,国家自然科学基金项目,2018-2021,62万元。
4. 不同时期高温胁迫阻碍夏玉米花器官发育的生理生化机理,国家自然科学基金项目32071959,2021-2024,59万元。
5. 中低产田小麦玉米周年增产提质增效技术研究与应用,山东省重点研发计划课题LJNY202103,2021-2024,300万元。
6. 中低产田改良与提升关键技术研究,山东省重点研发计划课题2021CXGC010804-05,2022-2024,53万元。
1. Yu T, Li G, Dong S T, Liu P, Zhang J W, Zhao B. Proteomics analysis of maize (Zea maysL.) grain based on iTRAQ reveals molecular mechanisms of poor grain filling in inferior grains. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017, 115:83-96.
2. Jia X C, Liu P, Lynch J P. Greater lateral root branching density in maize improves phosphorus acquisition from low phosphorus soil. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018, 69(20):4961-4970.
3. Li R F, Liu P, Dong S T, Zhang J W, Zhao B. Increased Maize Plant Population Induced Leaf Senescence, Suppressed Root Growth, Nitrogen Uptake, and Grain Yield. Agronomy Journal, 2019, 111(4):1581-1591.
4. Hu D D, Li R F, Zhang J W, Zhao B, Liu P, Dong S T. Mixed cropping of different hybrids of maize optimizes canopy structure and promotes higher grain yield. Agronomy Journal, 2019, 111:2692-2702.
5. Ma N N, Dong L N, Lü W, Lü J L, Meng Q W, Liu P. Transcriptome analysis of maize seedling roots in response to nitrogen-, phosphorus-, and potassium deficiency. Plant and Soil, 2020, 447(1-2):637-658.
6. Ren H, Cheng Y, Li R F, Yang Q L, Liu P, Dong S T, Zhang J W, Zhao B. Integrating density and fertilizer management to optimize the accumulation, remobilization, and distribution of biomass and nutrients in summer maize. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 11777.
7. Yang Q L, Liu P, Dong S T, Zhang J W, Zhao B. Combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers mitigates ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions in a maize field. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2020, 117: 13-27.
8. Yang Q L, Liu P, Dong S T, Zhang J W, Zhao B. Effects of fertilizer type and rate on summer maize grain yield and ammonia volatilization loss in northern China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, 19(5):2200-2211.
9. Yang Q L, Zheng F X, Jia X C, Liu P, Dong S T, Zhang J W, Zhao B. The combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers increases soil organic matter and improves soil microenvironment in wheat-maize field. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 20(5): 2395-2404.
10. Ren H, Han K, Liu Y E, Zhao Y L, Zhang L H, He Q J, Li Z H, Zhang J B, Liu P, Wang H Z, Zhang J W, Zhao B. Improving smallholder farmers' maize yields and economic benefits under sustainable crop intensification in the North China plain. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 763: 143035.
11. Wang H Q, Liu P, Zhang J W, Zhao B, Ren B Z. Endogenous hormones inhibit differentiation of young ears in maize (Zea mays L.) under heat stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 533046.
12. Ren H, Li Z H, Cheng Y, Zhang J B, Liu P, Li R F, Yang Q L, Dong S T, Zhang J W, Zhao B. Narrowing yield gaps and enhancing nitrogen utilization for summer maize (Zea mays L.) by combining the effects of varying nitrogen fertilizer input and planting density in DSSAT simulations. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020.11:560466.
13. Xucun Jia, Qinglong Yang, Shu-Ting Dong, Ji-Wang Zhang, Bin Zhaoand Peng Liu *. Using manure for improving nitrogen fertilization and maize yield. Experimental Agriculture 2020, 1–14.
14. Li, R., Hu, D., Ren, H., Yang, Q., Dong, S., Zhang, J., Zhao, B., Liu, P., 2022. How delaying post-silking senescence in lower leaves of maize plants increases carbon and nitrogen accumulation and grain yield. The Crop Journal 10, 853–863.
15. Xiaoying Chen, Peng Liu*, Bin Zhao, Baizhao Ren, Zhe Li, Ziqiang Wang. Root physiological adaptations that enhance the grain yield and nutrient use efficiency of maize (Zea mays L) and their dependency on phosphorus placement depth. Field crops research, 2022,276:108378.
16. Xun cun Jia, Guangjun Wu, Christopher Strock, Liang Li, Shuting Dong, Jiwang Zhang, Bin Zhao, Jonathan P. Lynch, Peng Liu*. Root anatomical phenotypes related to growth under low nitrogen availability in maize (Zea mays L) hybrids. Plant and soil, 2022, 474, 265–276.
17. Dan-dan Hu, Shuting Dong, Jiwang Zhang, Bin Zhao, Baizhao Ren, Peng Liu*. Endogenous hormones improve the salt tolerance of maize (Zea mays L.) by inducing root architecture and ion balance optimizations. Journal of Agronomy Crop Sciecnce. 2022,00:1–13.
18. Hao Ren , Mingyu Liu , Jibo Zhang , Peng Liu, Cunhui Liu. Effects of agronomic traits and climatic factors on yield and yield stability of summer maize (Zea mays L) in the Huang-HuaiHai Plain in China[J].. Frontiers in Plant Science,2022.1050064.
19. Yuting Li, Xuetao Han, Hao Ren, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang, Baizhao Ren, Huiyuan Gao, Peng Liu. Exogenous SA or 6BA maintains photosynthetic activity in maize leaves under hightemperature stress[J]. The crop journal, 2022.
20. Wang, H., Ren, H., Zhang, L., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., He, Q., Li, G., Han, K., Zhang, J., Zhao, B., Ren, B., Liu, P. A sustainable approach to narrowing the summer maize yield gap experienced by smallholders in the North China Plain[J]. Agricultural Systems, 2023, 143: 103541.
21. Wang, H., Ren, H., Han, K., He, Q., Zhang, L., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Zhao, B., Ren, B., Liu, P. Sustainable improvement strategies for summer maize yield, nitrogen use efficiency and greenhouse gas emission intensity in the North China Plain[J].. European Journal of Agronomy, 2023;143;126712.
22. Wang, H., Ren, H., Han, K., Zhang, L., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., He, Q., Li, G., Zhang, J., Zhao, B., Ren, B., Liu, P., 2023. Experimental assessment of the yield gap associated with maize production in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research. 295, 108897.
23. Wang, H., Ren, H., Han, K., Li, G., Zhang, L., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., He, Q., Zhang, J., Zhao, B., Ren, B., Liu, P. Improving the net energy and energy utilization efficiency of maize production systems in the North China Plain. Energy, 2023, 274, 127340.
24. Sun J., Wang H., Ren H., Zhao B., Zhang J., Ren B., Liu P. Maize (Zea mays L.) responses to heat stress: Mechanisms that disrupt the development and hormone balance of tassels and pollen[J]. Journal of Agronomy Crop Science, 2023, 209: 502-516.
25. Qu M., Song J., Ren H., Zhao B., Zhang J., Ren B., Liu P. Diferences of cadmium uptake and accumulation in roots of two maize varieties (Zea mays L.)[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Reseach, 2023, 30: 96993-97004.
26. Xiaoying hen, HaoRen, JiwangZhang, BinZhao, BaizhaoRen, YongshanWan, Peng Liu. Deep phosphorus fertilizer placement increases maize productivity by improving root-shoot coordination and photosynthetic performance. Soil and Tillage Research. STILL 105915
27. 任昊, 程乙, 刘鹏, 董树亭, 赵杰, 张吉旺, 赵斌. 不同栽培模式对夏玉米根系性能及产量和氮素利用的影响. 中国农业科学. 2017, 50(12):2270-2281.
28. 李荣发, 刘鹏, 杨清龙, 任昊,董树亭,张吉旺,赵斌. 玉米密植群体下部叶片衰老对植株碳氮分配与产量形成的影响.作物学报. 2018, 44(07):1032-1042.
29. 王洪章, 刘鹏, 董树亭, 张吉旺, 赵斌, 任佰朝. 夏玉米产量与光温生产效率差异分析——以山东省为例. 中国农业科学. 2019, 52(08):1355-1367.
30. 陈晓影, 刘鹏, 程乙, 董树亭, 张吉旺, 赵斌, 任佰朝.土壤深松下磷肥施用深度对夏玉米根系分布及磷素吸收利用效率的影响. 作物学报. 2019, 45(10):1565-1575.
31. 王洪章, 刘鹏, 贾绪存, 李静, 任昊, 董树亭, 张吉旺, 赵斌. 不同栽培管理条件下夏玉米产量与肥料利用效率的差异解析. 作物学报. 2019, 45(10):1544-1553.
32. 陈晓影, 刘鹏, 程乙, 董树亭, 张吉旺, 赵斌, 任佰朝, 韩坤. 基于磷肥施用深度的夏玉米根层调控提高土壤氮素吸收利用. 作物学报. 2020, 46(02):238-248.
33. 李静, 王洪章, 许佳诣, 刘鹏, 张吉旺, 赵斌, 任佰朝. 不同栽培模式对夏玉米冠层结构及光合性能的影响. 中国农业科学. 2020, 53(22): 4550-4560.
34. 李静,王洪章,刘鹏,张吉旺,赵斌,任佰朝.夏玉米不同栽培模式花后叶片光合性能的差异.作物学报. 2021, 47(07):1351-1359.
35. 胡旦旦,李荣发,刘鹏,董树亭,赵斌,张吉旺,任佰朝.密植条件下玉米品种混播提高籽粒灌浆性能和产量.中国农业科学,2021,54(9):1856-1868.
36. 宋杰,任昊,赵斌,张吉旺,任佰朝,李亮,王少祥,黄金苓,刘鹏.施钾量对夏玉米维管组织结构与物质运输性能的影响. 作物学报:1-17[2022-06-26].
37. 宋杰,王少祥,李亮,黄金苓,赵斌,张吉旺,任佰朝,刘鹏.施钾量对夏玉米氮、磷、钾吸收利用和籽粒产量的影响. 作物学报:1-15[2022-06-26].
38. 张静,王洪章,任昊,殷复伟,吴红燕,赵斌,张吉旺,任佰朝,戴爱斌,刘鹏.夏玉米根系构型与抗根倒性能间的关系. 作物学报:1-12[2022-06-26].
39. 朱亚迪,王慧琴,王洪章,任昊,吕建华,赵斌,张吉旺,任佰朝,殷复伟,刘鹏.不同夏玉米品种大喇叭口期耐热性评价和鉴定指标筛选. 作物学报:1-17 [2022-06-26].
40. 张川,刘栋,王洪章,任昊,赵斌,张吉旺,任佰朝,刘存辉,刘鹏. 不同时期高温胁迫对夏玉米物质生产性能及籽粒产量的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2022,55(19):3710-3722.
41. 曲梦雪,宋杰,孙菁,胡旦旦,王洪章,任昊,赵斌,张吉旺,任佰朝,刘鹏. 镉胁迫对不同耐镉型玉米品种苗期根系生长的影响[J].作物学报, 2022,48(11):2945-2952.
42. 刘昕萌,程乙,刘玉文,庞尚水,叶秀芹,卜艳霞,张吉旺,赵斌,任佰朝,任昊,刘鹏.黄淮海区域现代夏玉米品种产量与资源利用效率的差异分析[J].作物学报,2023,49(05):1363-1371.
43. 伊英杰,韩坤,赵斌,刘国利,林佃旭,陈国强,任昊,张吉旺,任佰朝,刘鹏.长期不同施肥措施冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系周年氨挥发损失的差异[J].中国农业科学,2022,55(23):4600-4613.
电子邮箱: liup@sdau.edu.cn或liupengsdau@126.com