1. 农业农村部长三角智慧农业技术重点实验室开放课题:基于物候分区的上海优质粳稻种植面积智能提取方法研究,在研,主持
2. 江苏省科研与实践创新计划项目:农地经营规模对粮食产量及生态系统碳氮循环影响的研究,结题,主持
1. Yu, S., Zhang, X., Qi, J. 2024. An iterative and subsequent proximation method to map historical crop information with satellite images. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 221,108967.
2. Yu, S., Qi, J., Zhang, X., Ou, W., Liu, H., Ren, T. 2024. Land Use Policy Impacts on Effective Farmland Use Efficiency: A Case Study in Heilongjiang Province, China. Land Use Policy, 138.
3. Yu, S., Zhang, X., Zhang, X., Liu, H., Qi, J. Sun, Y. 2020. Detecting and Assessing Nondominant Farmland Area with Long-Term MODIS Time Series Images. Remote Sensing, 12(15), 2441.
4. Zhang, X., Liu, H., Zhang, X., Yu, S., Dou, X., Xie, Y., Wang., N. (2018). Allocate soil individuals to soil classes with topsoil spectral characteristics and decision trees. Geoderma, 320, 12-22.
5. Ren, T., Xu, H., Cai, X., Yu, S., Qi, J. 2022. Smallholder Crop Type Mapping and Rotation Monitoring in Mountainous Areas with Sentinel-1/2 Imagery. Remote Sensing, 14, 566.
6. Qiu, Z., Liu, H., Zhang, X., Meng, L., Xu, M., Pan, Y., Bao, Y., Yu, S. 2019. Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variation of Site-Specific Management Zones in a Topographic Relief Area over a Period of Six Years Using Image Segmentation and Satellite Data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 45(6).
7. 刘焕军, 于胜男, 张新乐, 郭栋, 殷继先. 2017. 一年一季农作物遥感分类的时效性分析. 中国农业科学, 50 (05): 830-839.
8. 刘焕军, 盛磊, 于胜男, 赵慧颖, 高永刚, 秦乐乐, 王翔, 张新乐. 2017. 基于气候分区与遥感技术的大兴安岭湿地信息提取. 生态学杂志, 2017, 36 (07): 2068-2076.
9. 刘焕军, 张小康, 张新乐, 武洪峰, 金慧凝, 于胜男, 邱政超. 2017. 面向土壤分类的高光谱反射特征参数模型. 遥感学报, 21 (01): 105-114.
电子邮箱: yusn@sdau.edu.cn